Project management
- Estuary Coastal Zone Management Plans including: preparation of grant applications, work plans, drafting project briefs, works approvals grant and project management and delivery, milestone reporting and final reports.
- Facilitation of flood mitigation and risk management projects and programs including: preparation of grant applications, work plans, drafting project briefs, works approvals, grant and project management and delivery, milestone reporting and final reports.
- Flood modelling, hydraulic assessment and mapping
- Applications to state and local government for environmental projects and programs
- Acid Sulfate Soil management – and rehabilitation Plans
- Wetland management and rehabilitation plans
Environmental Management
- Preparation of Environmental Management Plans
- Environmental Permits and Approvals
- Risk Assessment and Hazard Assessment
- Geomorphological assessments and stream bank rehabilitation
- Waste water management plan
Impact Assessment, Auditing and Monitoring
- Reviews of Environmental Factors (REFs)
- Acid Sulfate Soils investigations
- Water quality Monitoring program development, implementation and result interpretation and reporting
- Flood Mitigation Asset review and environmental impact assessment
Vegetation and Ecological Assessment
- Flora Surveys
- Fauna Surveys
- Biodiversity Assessments
- Vegetation Management Plans